I saw your LinkedIn profile…

Ben Martinez
1 min readSep 3, 2020

No, I really didn’t read your LinkedIn profile. We have all got those bad recruiting pitches, right?

Covid is here to stay for a while and your top performers are home and readily available for that call from a recruiter.

LinkedIn recently did a survey on what frustrates them about their manager and the good news is that you, the manager, can fix all of this.

The 4 frustrations employees have of a manager are…

  1. They have unclear expectations.
  2. They micromanage.
  3. They are unavailable.
  4. They don’t foster their employee’s development.

Which one (maybe all of the above) are you doing? Pick a frustration and work on it. I’m probably guilty of the first one at times. Hey, I’m in this game too.

The way we work has changed and so should your bad habits. Work on leading yourself and your team and they will spend more time solving work problems, instead of talking to recruiters with bad pitches.

Have a good Labor Day.

Originally published at https://ramptalent.com on September 3, 2020.



Ben Martinez

Founder/Principal Recruiter @RampTalent — www.ramptalent.com | Founder @SumatoCoffee Buy our coffee → www.sumatocoffee.com